
Monday, November 14, 2011

Quốc Hội và Chính Phủ nên học tập Malaysia về cách quản lý chất lượng đào tạo Đại học/Cao đẳng !

Hiện trạng GD ĐH ngoài công lập của bạn:
" The Malaysian Quality Evaluation Scheme (MyQuest) has audited around half of the country's 403 private colleges but has found only 60% of them could be ranked as 'satisfactory' under its non-mandatory audit scheme.

Only three of the 210 colleges that agreed to the audit, including a medical school, received scores of over 90%.

The 403 private institutions were invited to the audit carried out for the first time this year. However, not all of the 300 or so who agreed were ready to be inspected, according to the ministry, explaining why only 60% of institutions had been audited."
"Under the latest audit, figures showed that 20 colleges or 10% of those audited were rated 'excellent' (five star), 60 'very good' (four-star), 55 'good' (three star) and 35 'satisfactory', with the rest described as poor. "

Giải pháp: 
1) Ban hành luật và Kiểm định để kiểm soát chất lượng:
"The audit results come as the ministry is amending the laws governing private institutions, under a Private Institution of Higher Learning Act that will include sterner penalties for private institutions that do not meet certain criteria. The amendments are expected to be presented in parliament in 2012.
The legislation is part of the government's attempt to crack down on sub-standard or even fraudulent private providers, not just by tightening up the law but also by ensuring the regulations are properly implemented.
All courses must now be approved by the registrar general after being given a quality stamp by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency."
2) Hủy bỏ quyết định thành lập/Giải tán những trường không đủ điều kiện:
"In April the higher education ministry said it had cancelled the setting up of 59 private colleges and deregistered 28 others between 2009 and 2010 over quality issues. Some 47 institutions were fined in the first half of this year compared to same number during the whole of last year and just nine in 2009, the ministry said."

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